Thinetrol Slim

Thinetrol Slim contains the patented Mediterranean citrus complex Sinetrol to help users achieve fruitful results in their weight loss journey.

Thinetrol Slim uses citruses to give the difficult weight loss journey a boost and provide prolonged effects. It stimulates the fat burning process and provides its benefits by way of these 3 citruses: Grapefruit, oranges, and guarana. Thinetrol Slim aids in changing white adipose tissue fat cells into the brown adipose tissue form that converts fat into energy and burns off faster and easier. Through this process that helps increase resting energy expenditure, Thinetrol Slim gives longer lasting effects with a higher rate of lipolysis.

For a boost toward weight loss goals, Thinetrol Slim’s natural fat burning effects will fit most lifestyles and provide extensive benefits.
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Latin Name: Sinetrol®-XPur Mediterranean citrus blend
Source: Canada
Form: Powder

Raspberry Ketones Powder

Latin Name: Cissus Quadrangularis Extract
Source: Canada
Form: Powder

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder

Latin Name: Cissus Quadrangularis Extract
Source: Canada
Form: Powder

L-Arginine Powder

Latin Name: L-Arginine HCL
Source: Canada
Form: Powder

Vitamin B1

Latin Name: Thiamin
Source: Canada
Form: Powder


  • Targets reduction of waist size
  • Contains naringenin antioxidant that helps use food for energy instead of fat storing
  • High fiber content to promote fullness as well as reduced calorie intake
  • Burns fat while boosting metabolism
  • Fiber content helping digestion and to control appetite
  • Aids in promoting satiation and controlling calorie intake
  • Source of caffeine that helps maintain focus and mental energy
  • Helps with faster metabolism
  • May suppress genes that aid fat cell production and promote genes that slow it down
Reduce excess
body fat
enhance lipolysis
Promote Metabolism
Maintain Body
Reduce oxidative
stress & inflammation

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